Friday, November 14, 2008

Treasury Draws Fire for Shift in Rescue -

Treasury Draws Fire for Shift in Rescue - "Another problem: If the government purchased securities from banks, they [the banks] would likely have to record further losses on the markdown price, which many could ill afford."

You have gotta be kidding. I know I'm just a podunk hicktown Sacramento county nobody, but this was obvious from day one. The brain trust leading us throught the greatest financial crisis of our generation didn't realize that you can 1) buy securities from the banks at a price that is fair to the taxpayer; 2) buy securities from banks at a price that shores up their net assets (pick one). In the midst of a financial crisis, it might be nice and generous to pay banks the highest justifiable price for the securities, but, if the securities were really worth that price, the banks could sell them for that price on the open market.

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