Saturday, May 10, 2008

John Lennon rolls over in his grave

Is It Time to Invade Burma? - TIME: "But we still haven't figured out when to give war a chance."

The Burmese people's only crime is being born in Burma, and, for that, many will die of starvation and preventable diseases while the world waits with food, shelter, and medicine earmarked for the Burmese. But what gives another nation the right to invade another nation? Isn't that a slippery slope that could be used against us - the Swedish could invade America for humanitarian reasons - we have the death penalty and we don't provide universal health care and daycare. The Chinese could invade - we are torturing our people with excessive opportunity and choices. Chavez could invade to deliver heating fuel to our poor. The French could invade on the humanitarian grounds that we cruelly induce our American women to shave their legs and armpits, instead of allowing them to revel in their natural, God-given beauty.

Fact is, lots of countries disagree with each others' values and methods. If we want our independence as a nation, don't we have to honor other nations' independence, too? Even when it really sucks?

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